Competitive Teams
To receive pricing and info please email us
Teams within The Colony will be available for dancers ages 5-18. This program has high expectations for discipline and commitment. It is vital that dancers on these competitive teams are committed to their teams and to the studio. Our culture at the Hive always takes priority. It is vital that our teams are a safe place for each of our dancers to grow. Dancers are required 6-8 hours of dance a week and are required to take certain classes. They will compete in 4 competitions.
(Three Local & one in St. George) Dancers must audition and will be placed on a team with their level and age group.
Babe-Bees is team for ages 5-7, and 8-10 yrs. These dancers have minimal requirements. This is perfect for the beginning dancer who would like more opportunities to perform and a great stepping stone for our little dancers before the jump to The Colony. There are multiple opto
Busy Bees
The Busy Bee Program is new at The Hive! We have seen so many incredible dancers who not only have passion for dance, but a passion for theatre, soccer, basketball, and other activities. But balancing all these different activities can be challenging and expensive, taking it’s toll on both the dancer and their families. So we are excited to announce this new program to help these busy bees keep dancing and performing while giving them back the time they need to pursue their other hobbies and passions.
This is an opt in (non-audition) program for dancers 10- 18. Dancers will be grouped up by age into different teams and only required to attend 2.5 hours of dance each week. Their class will consist of technique and choreography for two dance that they will perform at two local competitions as well as extra performance opportunities exclusive to this program.
Hive Elite
This program will provide an environment for dancers who are ready to move to the next level of dance, while maintaining the culture of the Hive that is vital to our community. We want to create a space for dancers who are ready to excel and pursue dance seriously long term. These are dancers who currently spend time outside of the studio, strengthening, gaining flexibility, practicing, perfecting, and pushing themselves to be the best dancer they can be.Â
The Hive Elite program will have teams available for dancers ages 8 - 18. These Hive Elite teams will have much higher expectations and requirements than The Colony competitive teams. This is an audition only team. This team is required 12 hours of dance a week and will attend 4 competitions and 2 conventions. They will train and perform in all styles and are required to take all classes.
All comp members are required to take their assigned classes throughout the summer and school year. Minimal summer hours and intensive is required for both the colony team and company team. Company members are held to a high standard and represent our studio. We have a no drama policy! Dance should be a safe space for all students! We will compete in March-May. Competitions are required and NOT optional. All teams are a one year commitment starting June 2023-June 2024. There is a $275 drop fee if you choose to not continue. No refunds will be given for past tuition or fees. Students cannot miss class the week before comp. This week is called "Black Out Week" if students miss they will be spaced out of the routine. You must notify the student if you have any vacations or commitments from January 1 2024- May 2024 before August 10th 2023. A re-spacing fee of $100 per dance will be charged if we have to space your student out last minute with no notification beforehand.
All comp dates will be out in October. Our program is a positive environment. We strive to encourage all students to be their best self inside and outside of dance.
Mark your Calendar

Competition 2024-2025
Parent Info Video Launch
Videos will be sent with info to all parents within the next 2 weeks!
Come and receive info for this upcoming year! We are changing our competitive program this year! We recommend watching if you have any interest in joining!
We will go over all the new changes and team requirements.

Dates will be announced May 6th

Info TBA
In house 3 day workshop for all teams!

Audition Registration
Coming soon!